My Addiction

I don't leave my apartment without a camera on me. Yes, I obviously have a problem. Let me share it with you. To learn more about this blog (assuming you want to learn more), check out Welcome to my World

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I'm Not Missing This At All!

After a long stint of unseasonably warm temperatures, we're now standing at a very seasonable (for this area) 36F. My gosh, you'd think the world was coming to an end with some folks complaining about the cold! We've been so lucky so far this December! Well, with the exception of all of the cloudy days and rain.

But, after a horribly cold and icy December the past few years, I'll take this weather any day! We've had no measurable snow as yet ... which means no icy sidewalks! I really don't mind the cold so much. I know how to layer up. It's the ice and snow which get to me as a pedestrian about town.

I took this shot of the NJ Transit train arriving at the Bridgewater Train Station on December 17, 2013.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sea the Sunrise

A solitary man in the glow of an Atlantic Ocean sunrise.
Ah, bliss.
Even during this time of year, I love the ocean. As a matter of fact, I think I like it better during the off season. I'd rather be there than here today!

Another Gordon Ramsay Statistic

In better days, warmer ones at that, the staff at Blackberry's out on Watchung Avenue giving passerby some sweet iced tea. I liked Blackberry's. It had a yellow and purple outside and a rather funky soul albums hanging and posted on the walls motif inside. The folks working there were pleasant; the food was good. The prices were very reasonable.

Then came Gordon Ramsay and his Kitchen Nightmares crew. "Let's paint this place a depressing grey! Let's set up the dining room as if it's a high class kind of place! Get that Motown out of here!" Apparently there was in-fighting amongst the staff at the restaurant, but I never saw that during my meals taken there. I do know that parking issues might play into a lack of business.

But, as far as I'm concerned, Ramsay killed it. I did an online search and, while he supposedly rescues businesses already in trouble, the majority of his "rescues" have gone out of business within a year or two of his involvement. Yikes!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Just a Commute?

For me, there's always inherent mysteries about train stations. Sure, most of the time in my life, it's just a commute. But sometimes I'm off for an adventure. At times the 'just a commute' turns into an adventure, or perhaps just a slice of life in the conversations with (or eavesdropping on) strangers on the train. If the stations themselves could talk, oh what tales they could tell! Love stories, excited children and maybe a killing or two. Maybe they could tell the dreams some of us once dreamt.

What Goes Up Must Come Down

"Spinning wheel gotta go 'round ... ride a painted pony, let the spinning wheel spin ..." -- David Clayton-Thomas

At this stage of my life, the only painted pony I might ever own would probably be a Paint-By-Number pony. I'm sure my landlord would be irked if I brought a real pony into my apartment, not even thinking about how Vincent the Cat would feel about it.

I took this shot while on vacation a few years ago in Corolla, the Outer Banks. You don't know how much I'd love to live year 'round where I could look out the window and see wild horses grazing. Instead, I look out my window to see squirrels racing on the barren winter branches. Well, they're cool, too.

Not as cool as wild horses, though.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another Umbrella Day Ahead

More rain expected today here. With temperatures flirting with the 60 degree mark at the end of December, it's all very odd. I'm sure, once I return to work, the snow and cold will arrive. It's just waiting for me. I know it is.

Vincent's Happy Holidays

This was made for me, featuring a photo of Vincent, by a dear friend (Linda, AKA Zoetawny) a few years back. Being a cat inside a safe and loving home, Vincent himself always has happy holidays -- full of cat treats, cat naps, canned food with gravy that he likes to lick the gravy off and leave the chunks, a shoulder to purr on and cool toys like a peanut to knock around the living room. 

If only all pets had it that good. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

CitiBikes in the City

Nah, these aren't seen in Plainfield, NJ. These CitiBike stands are set up throughout New York City. I really should have adjusted all of the seats on these to a uniform level before taking my shot! I'd rent one of these some day, but the thought of riding around Manhattan on bicycle is the stuff of nightmares!

Already Thinking of Spring

Yep, winter has barely started and we haven't even had any measurable snow here as yet.

But I'd still rather it be spring.
I'm just that way as I get older.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Why, if it Isn't a Frog

Look! There, next to the cement piece! It's a teensy frog! 
He thinks he's hiding.
I'll let him believe that.

I've Got My Eye On You

And don't you forget it! I'll be watching you!
The bird on the ground watches you all year 'round.
The elf on the shelf was eaten by the bird.
So, that's why he's gone.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all of my family and friends, near and far.
(I haven't been able to get Vincent to wear his Santa suit for years now, so this is far from a new photo of him!)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Horrifying Accident

In today's news, there's been a tragic accident at the North Pole. Rumor has it that the jolly old fellow imbibed a bit too much. Parents are asked to reschedule their family activities until December 27th to allow for recovery (and/or replacement) time.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Santa Has Issues

Oh my gosh, Jolly Ol' St. Nick laughed his head off when he saw my wish list for Christmas! I didn't think it was THAT funny.

All I wanted was a Lamborghini.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Pink Dawn

Pink dawn over the holiday bell in Plainfield, NJ.

Pardon the Zamboni

What you never see on television -- the Zamboni cleaning the ice on the rink at Rockefeller Center.

My work in investigative reporting is done here.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Behind the Fence

There's a building in Plainfield where the graffiti artists practice their work. It's a revolving door of artwork, eventually painted over black, then new art magically appearing.

Eek, it's Clifford!

He just better have had his shots!
I'm not giving him a tip.
He's LEERING at me!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Rockin' it at Rockefeller Center

Yes, it's a different tree each year. But, in the end, it's all pretty much the same year to year. I've been more than a handful of times to the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and each time the crowds overwhelm what should be a magical sight. The decorations are always the same. So, I'll just recycle the photos I've taken and avoid the crowds.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Gazebo Magic

Looking up in the gazebo in Scotch Plains, NJ.
Yeah, I edited this one.
Can you tell?

Monday, December 15, 2014


The Christmas decorations at Macy's in Manhattan with the Empire State Building lighted up in the background. I couldn't BELIEVE that actually lined up that well for the shot!

Heehee. I crack myself up.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Leaf Me Alone

I said, "Leaf me alone!"
It's a lone leaf?
Never mind.

Surf's Up!

Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean as seen from the Outer Banks. I would love to live there all the time except for the summers. Come summer, there's too many people. I like beaches. I love the ocean. But I treasure solitude.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Chestnuts Roasting ...

Chestnuts roasting under a light bulb. That's just how we roll in the city.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Psst ... Wanna Buy a Bike?

Best offer will be accepted! Slightly used.

I Called a Strange Horse

... and he came! Then I felt guilty because I had nothing for him but kind words and a nose pat. He was cool with it, though.

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Road Taken

To be honest, I don't travel when I'm broke. I just keep working to keep that roof over my head. One tends to choose his own destiny. I could have done better, for sure. But at least I'm not sitting on a dirty sidewalk with a sign. Well, not yet, anyway.

Get the Point(s)?

No, it's not indigenous to New Jersey or New York.
We're talkin' Texas cactus.
Most pointy things around here are knives.
Well, unless you're in the kitchen, that is!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

Flying over Detroit on an odd-legged flight from Newark, NJ to Norfolk, VA. Logic would tell me Detroit isn't on the way. But, logic is thrown out the window with airlines. I suppose we should be grateful that they don't defenestrate us instead of bothering to land.

"Here's your destination! Got your parachute?"

On a side note, I'm always happy to use the word 'defenestrate' in the context of a sentence. It's right up there with 'brouhaha' and 'kerfuffle' for me, but not as easy to fit into the conversation.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Old Man and the Sea

Okay, he regressed to a little boy in the surf. That age of childhood is more fun than old age anyway!